Thursday, October 17, 2024

मित्र, मिथ्या और मृत्यु

खुशियों से परहेज़ नहीं मुझे, लेकिन ग़म सुनता हूँ दोस्तों की |
यह जीना भी क्या जीना, गर यारों के साथ नहीं कटी |
एक एक करके क़ुर्बानियों में डूबे हमारे यार निकल पड़े,
ज़िन्दगी का खौफ दिल में लिए, मौत से नाता जोड़ लिए!

Mate, Mirage and Mortality

I welcome joy but heed their pain, when sorrows cloud my friends' refrain.

What kind of life if friends are missed, without their bond, does joy exist?

One by one,  they walk away, sacrificing self, crying alone for days.

With fear of life, yet death's embrace, they've found a peace in that dark place.

I've reached an age where I'm unable to strengthen myself with news about death of friends piling on me without respite

Thursday, March 30, 2023

 Life - Live or Die this Lie?

A person, I thought I once knew,
is someone today am a stranger to.
Is it worthwhile yearning for togetherness and friendship
when emotions lay uncared for, remaining but a service of the lip?

Self-respect and ego, blurred with humility muscled by arrogance
Bonding and love get eroded when distrust surrounds like a fence
Who is to blame when two beings drift apart
with each one playing stone deaf like a fine art?

Living each day appears like a prolonged death sentence
With questions piling on that make no sense
That feeling of wanting to break free and escape
is a reminder of life getting out of hand and out of shape

Then comes a small angel, who holds your hand
Like an innocent kid wanting to play by the beach and sand
The Self and Ego, disappearing like the setting sun
"It is all worthwhile", whispered God through this little one.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Climatic Conditions

This country is being ruled by a “bachelor” and his “polly”
Say those who saw the country being run by the whims of a single family
Right doesn’t mean right and Left doesn’t mean wrong
Oh, Shut-Up! Just pick a side you moron!

“Fear is the Key” said one Mr. Alistair MacLean
On the throes of a dwindling economy, can this Government come clean?
What the Hell! Just who’s side are you on?
Oh, Shut-Up! Just pick a side you moron!

Amidst jingoism and tantrums of 543 and 245
My country stands confused with their “what” and “why”
Can’t Voices of dissent and concurrence stand as one?
Oh, Shut-Up! Just pick a side you moron!

I disagree with you - Thou art’ an Urban Naxal
I disagree with you - Thou art’ a Casteist individual
I disagree with you - Isn’t that okay and can we not move on?
Oh, Shut-Up! Just pick a side you moron!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relations and emotions

Poise and postures don’t stand a chance
Maturity and wisdom crumble with no stance
Even the erudite and the intelligent take a downfall
When relations and emotions create a rainfall

Misunderstandings and miscommunications are never obvious
The mind erects a wall too impervious
Everyone is rightful in their own regard
Who then is to blame for mutual disregard?

One cannot step into the other’s shoe of discomfort
Yet we yearn for the other to not hurt
Words unleashed I cannot take back
But don’t we still want our old friends back?

Some little ones get caught in the crossfire
Hoping they could broker a ceasefire
These festivities are meant to spread delight 
While some emotions take time to set right

”Leave it to time”, said a wise old man
This too shall pass. I know it can.
Our fights and disappointments with our closest ones
Are after all the bedrock of relations and emotions!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Friendship, Ego and all that's in between

Don't expect to be known as your friend's best friend
Realize this & your friendship will never end
Be that backbone that cannot be seen
For you're the one on whom they can lean

Friends have a common enemy we call "ego"
Even knowingly sometimes we don't let him go
Don't feel the need to prove anything to your friend
Leave it to time and we will eventually comprehend

Don't pass your childish misunderstandings to your child
Trust me - kids are more mature to get us reconciled
Maintain your distance even with your closest buddy
At times your own solitude will keep you steady

Cliches abound all around us
Epigrams may still sound superflous
It is our own falls that help us learn
Only if we reach out, will our friend return

I'm right and you are wrong!
With such a duet how can we get along
Of what purpose is being in feeds and timelines
Talking with bland emojis and innumerable signs

As long lost buddies, we may not even talk
Our silence and imagination, together, still go for a walk
Be beside Your close friend while he coughs his breath
While it's okay for you to jive alone with Mr. Death!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rhyme Tom [My Mother]

A Pillar of strength for all
Without her, it certainly could've been a disastrous fall
While the pillar that protected has now aged
Her own resolve now keeps her alone and caged.

How can I break that resolve?
This is a problem I'm just unable to solve
Have my own journeys through many a failure
sculpted myself as my mother's stranger?

We all grieve for that one simple man
Life has presented me with yet another failed plan
Is it true that care-givers prefer loneliness?
My actions continually seem meaningless!

I would like to think I'm not so selfish
The pillar must have many more memories to cherish
I will wait for my moments of happiness
till He makes this pillar seek peace in togetherness.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

ज़मीर नाम का मेरा बूढ़ा पडोसी:

खयाली पुलाव जीवन में हमने भी खूब पकाया !
घर पहुँचते पहुँचते दफ्तर को भी साथ ले आया !
"बेटा चक्की पीसो अकेला अकेला!" कौन बोला? किसने फरमाया?
"तेरा बाप" कहकर पडोसी ने डराया !

क्यों बे बुड्ढे? अभी तक तेरा टिकट नहीं कराया?
हस्ते हस्ते बूढ़े ने फिर बतलाया -
"बेटा उम्र हो गयी, फिर भी मौत नहीं आया, पर
तेरी ग़लीज़ जिंदगी देखकर मजा बहुत आया " !!??